CeeDive is a tool for comparing and contrasting cities around the world. Enter the name of your city, the number of cities you want in your result (3 – 20 suggested), and check the boxes you wish to match on.
If you check the very last checkbox (“Match Cities?”), the cities chosen for comparison will be those that most closely match your target city on the selected characteristics. If the “Match Cities?” checkbox is not checked, the comparison cities will be chosen at random. This is recommended if you are using the tool mostly for curiosity.
Note that these data are highly imputed. Please contact reductionist@gmail.com for more information.
Thanks, Alan Barreca, Genie Birch, Jim McWilliams, and Ken Steif for valuable advice.
Thanks, Dad, for the idea to do this.
Live in Philadelphia? Try CeeDive Philly!